What I'm Doing Now (23 June 2022)
Last Updated: 23 June 2022
What I'm doing right now: Still keeping to myself.
I had a bad reaction to my annual flu vaccine this year. Came down very sick within hours. Doesn't seem to be CoViD as my tests were all negative. A month later and I'm still exhausted, but at least I'm able to sometimes leave the house and get back to some work again.
Playing The Witness
While recovering I spent some guilt-free time playing The Witness. It's a game from 2016 that I'm only getting around to playing now. I usually don't install games so I won't be distracted, but I made an exception for this one.
Wow, what a truly astonishing and thoughtful game. It's a puzzle game set on a pleasant 3D island (like Myst) but something about the nature of those endless puzzles changes how you view the real world. I don't want to give spoilers because the magic is in discovering these things for yourself. Just being told or shown isn't as powerful as experiencing it. If you like the idea of a deeply philosophical puzzle game on a beautiful island that will leave you with something to take back into real life - this is a game for you. You will love it.
I'm retreating further from the internet so that I'm harder to contact. A few people keep contacting me when I've asked them not to. Some people believe that persistence is polite, but to me it is often rude and unwanted.
My websites are under constant cyber attack from Russia, China & Vietnam. The attacks increased noticeably as Russia invaded Ukraine. Their cyber attacks have been unsuccessful, but defence is occupying my time.
- Frou Frou's new Off Cuts EP
- Devastate Me and the Brace For Impact album by Penfriend
- Precious Hearts and the Fascination album by The Birthday Massacre
- An unreleased new demo track from Lina Sandén
- The Pumpkin Plan: Grow a Remarkable Business by Mike Michalowicz
- Preventing The Collapse Of Civilization, a talk about technology, society and continuity by Jonathan Blow, creator of the game The Witness.
Things That Spark Joy
- Music / audio equipment (synths, guitars, VST plugins)
- Retrocomputing & repairing old machines
- Self-published DIY indie bands
- Coding in C and Go and making native software
- Iced Coffee & Mocha Frappucinos
- Solitude
Things That Spark Sadness
- Cryptocurrency & NFTs
- Social Media
- Russia
- FilterMeister
- Intrusive people
- Pronouns
- Memes
- Emoji
- Apps made with Electron
This page was inspired by Derek Sivers' Now page.
© Kohan Ikin.