What I'm Doing Now (October 2015)
I'm living in Perth, Australia, and nowadays I spend my time doing:
- Freelancing! I work on desktop & mobile software, e-commerce projects, and web backend projects. I like making user friendly products that consumers love, creating great product experiences, and working with self-funded companies that sell products.
- Developing products for my own business, namesuppressed. I'm working on 64-bit updates of the Photoshop plugins, I've just updated the Not Negative extension for Chrome, and coming up is an update to the Corner Case puzzle game for Android.
- Learning new programming languages and toolkits. My next focus is Swift, the Android SDK, Python and Django.
- Learning German daily. I use DuoLingo & LingQ. My goal is to live in Berlin one day. Feel free to write to me in German or challenge me to a Skype conversation - if you don't mind talking to a beginner.
- Nightclubbing with friends at goth / jazz / Eurovision clubs.
- Coffee catchups with folks in Perth who like freelancing, startups, the goth scene, or even Eurovision. (Wanna meet up? Drop me a line!)
Things I'm Not Doing
I'm taking a break from Eurovision work for now. For Eurovision-related interviews, I recommend talking to my friend Jasmin at Eurovision By Jaz.
I'm on Facebook hiatus / sabbatical while I focus on business & creative stuff. Life is calmer without Facebook drama. I'm still on Twitter though.
When my activities or priorities change, I'll update this page.
Recent Reading List
- Hello Web App by Tracy Osborn, a guide to developing web apps in Python & Django.
- Pour Your Heart Into It: The Story of Starbucks by Howard Schultz.
- How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big by Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comics.
- The Principles Of Successful Freelancing by Miles Burke
Recent Listening List
Lots of German pop & metal while I await my next trip to Berlin:
- Nie Vergessen by Glasperlenspiel
- Berlin by Bollmer
- Wir Sind Die Gipfelsturmer and Fernweh by Unheilig
- Trying by my Swedish singer friend Lina Sanden
This page was inspired by Derek Sivers' Now page idea.
Last Updated: 21 October 2015.
© Kohan Ikin.